Adventure Escape Christmas Killer: Walkthrough Guide

Chapter 4:

You can also watch my video for Chapter 4, December 24 & 25 here:

December 24:

1. Answer the phone. It’s Everett Kane. He says Misty hasn’t been seen in two days and her apartment was broken into. But the good news is you now have access to the FBI database. Let’s check it out!



2. We need a passcode to get in. Look at the sticky notes. There’s a star, a fish, a plant, and a sock. You need to count the number of each in the room. There are 3 stars on the photo of Kate and her friend. 1 fish, 2 plants, and 4 socks (or stockings). So you get 3124. Enter that as the passcode to get into the FBI database.





3. You now have to play a memory match game with the fingerprints. It appears to be different each time, so I can’t help you. But you’ll need to play through it three times before you’re done. You’ll then get the Christmas Killer’s name and address! He’s Frederick Gaines and lives in Brooklyn, NY!






4. That seemed too easy, so Kate wants to investigate further. You now have the eighth snow globe. Take it to the other room and put it with the others. Notice that the edges of each snowflake has numbers on it. Organize them in order from 1 – 8 and you’ll get an address, 101 East 3rd St.



5. Head over to that building. Pick up the scope and the chandelier piece, then head upstairs.


6. Find the telescope lens and telescope body. Also, look at the painting on the wall of the tomato soup cans.



7. Go downstairs. Put all the telescope pieces together and look outside. Find four signs and take note of them.






8. Go back upstairs and look at the safe. The clue at the bottom tells you the order of the signs, based on shape. So turn the knob right to 35, left to 5, right to 40, and left to 55. (Try everything in the opposite direction if you’re having trouble with it.) Take two more chandelier pieces from inside.



9. Go back downstairs and add the chandelier pieces to the rest to get a clue.



10. The chandelier clue tells you the password for the iPad/tablet. The corner pieces are more obvious, but the arrows represent the middle and edge of the screen, while the small diamond is the center button. I numbered them for you if you need more help. Go through the secret doorway!



11. Misty’s in a cage! Look at the note on the wall. The numbers refer to the painting of soup cans. You need to mix the top color, bottom color, and the word “tomato” on each can to get a color. Then order them according to the note and press those buttons on the wall. The order goes green, light green, purple, pink, orange, light purple.





12. Now you have to ply a Minesweeper game. Figure out where the faulty chips (mines) are based on the numbers. Then select the faulty ones with red and the good ones white.


13. Now Misty is free! Go up to the room to catch Freddie Gaines. Pick up the pipe and throw it at the helicopter.


December 25 (Christmas Day):

Combine the two locket pieces and watch the ending!


Congratulations! You caught the Christmas Killer and completed the game!

This Post Has 108 Comments

  1. linda

    Thank you! I had missed this one too!
    Happy Holiday of your choosing!

      1. Laura

        Hi, just to let you know… The”Christmas killer” game, chapter 5 #16 (the journal in the Attic) the solution you show is not the solution for the current game. They must have changed it. It’s now: UDDUDU . Great walkers, thank you!

        1. Sarah

          The way I interpreted it was his mood; whether he felt great/good or depressed/down

          1. Joshua

            Me too seems like we both got the right answer the wrong way lol

          2. Silviya

            I also follower the moods

        2. Kash

          the soultion you sow here is not accurate but i cant find what it is

        3. Renee Taylor

          Thank you!

        4. Lynn

          exactly. The key is the diary’s mood: up or down.

      2. Andrea

        Hi everybody, I don’t understand the riddle with the christmas symbols which you have to trace. Can somebody explain why the 3rd digit is a 7instead of a 2?

  2. gopakumar

    Dear sir,
    I am playing this game now. But in the next step while mixing the drink, unable to put ice cubes. It is not responding.

    1. Asavari Tare

      I am playing this game but next step ice mixing n makeimaking drink not responding

      1. E

        I had same problem. Have to drag ice bucket on top of glass (not above it it)

    2. Lou

      Hoover above the glass

      1. Lou


      2. CatReader

        In the version of the Christmas Killer that was added to Adventure Escape Mysteries for Android late in 2021, the clue in Freddie’s diary has changed. Unlike the original clue that appeared there, I gave up and used a hint. It isn’t impossible to solve, though, especially if you know what puzzle the clue is going to going to be used for. (And that has not changed).

        1. Shanthini

          In this version its the order of the switches to be pressed. The Numbers 463215 are page numbers and you have to press the switch up or down according to the mood of Freddie by what he is write. Down & Depressed are down switches and great and happy are up switches.
          Ans: UDDUDU

          1. Bea

            I’m still having problems with it. I can’t open the case!!! :(((

            1. Marta

              Hi Bea !
              I also had problem with this to open but i resolved . Up must be wite . Is like this the page 463215 up down down up down up but its means that wite colour must be in this order with buttons must be diffrent order push buttons down up up down up down

            2. Pcgrl12

              I am also having issues with opening the case

              1. DmonHiro

                There is no issue with opening the case. I did it just now, using the clue.

  3. Olive Kamdoum

    Thanks you So much but I have a probl╬ô├╢┬úΓö¼ΓöÉme with the finger print I can’t fill them in the box I always can’t see the “complete” sentence please help me

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Do you mean nothing happens after you complete the first fingerprint? I had that problem the first time I did it, but restarting the chapter fixed it.

  4. Jennifer

    You don’t have the walk thru for the rest of the game. After I put the snowglobes in the right order, I went to another address. I now have to unlock a combination lock and I’m not trying to give everything away, but I did what I was supposed to with the telescope and got the combo but the lock isn’t taking it. Please help.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      I just finished the walkthrough. The safe is actually opposite of what it says. It’s a little weird. I’ll have a video up soon for the last section that should also help.

      1. Anushka

        In chapter 4 the mines (chips ) game how do you know which chip is faulty .

    2. Jen

      I had that problem too! On the bottom of the safe there are shapes that are connected to the telescope bit. Make sure you are using the correct order.

      1. Merlin

        How to find the order of signs based on shapes.. I don’t get that… Nd then Wat about that mindswipping puzzle… Get me clearly pls…. Am n last stage

    3. JennyDepp

      Look at the shapes under the keypad on the safe. They relate to the shapes of the signs through the telescope. This will give you the order and direction to enter the numbers on the safe.

      1. Kat

        OMG had to scroll back, thought you were Johnny Depp‼

      2. Kirk

        I canΓÇÖt put the sugar into the measuring glass, IΓÇÖve tried hovering above, on, in, multiple ways and nothing.

        1. Cliff

          Same here very frustrating and no way to skip

  5. Mary

    The safe isn’t working for me for some reason. It won’t give me the green light for 5. I’ve tried coming at it from both directions.

  6. Mona

    While making the mojitho i can’t put the ice cubes into the cup. It doesn’t work. Why is that?

    1. Vanessa

      Same with Me, really weird and annoying because i can’t go on with the game

    2. Lou

      Hover above glass

    3. marimaru


  7. Anji

    Cant still figure out about tomatoes colour… help

    1. Tracey

      Please tell me how dark blue and white make purple!?
      The 6th number is somehow light purple….

  8. Qiss

    Thank you and happy holiday to you!

  9. Angel Jones

    Can’t seem to figure out the key board and the chandelier tryed everything I can but nothing can you help please.

  10. Teresa

    Won’t this game save progress if you have to quit?

    1. Cat lover

      Yes the game will save

  11. Mixhelle

    Hello sir,
    Why I can’t play this even if I already download the play store games app???

  12. Danielle

    I have tried for days but can’t figure out the snowglobe order. Can someone please help?

  13. Prativa

    how to get the third quilt scrap

  14. Melanie B.

    THANK YOU, this helped me get past the combination lock safe. Last number was opposite of direction shown. Thanks so much!

  15. corbie

    “Organize them in order from 1 Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ 8” HOW?

    1. Isabelle Chabaud

      Je n’es pas de num╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ëro sur mes boule

    2. Ian

      Number of edges on each flakr

  16. Ingrid

    My game doesnΓÇÖt have the cosmetics on the table in the dressing room?

  17. Myra

    How do I save the game so I can ick up where I left off

  18. Moo

    I accidentally broke the game during this chapter because I tapped on the photo accidentally after I did the clock puzzle and the photo piece didn’t fall out, so I had to restart.

  19. Kamakazi

    Hey, if any of you skip a part, the finishing puzzle won’t work

  20. Jenn310

    The puzzle with the tomato soup cans made me so irritated. Since when does combining blue and white make light purple?! I kept pushing the light blue color because I live in the real world where white and blue and light blue! 😑😑

    1. Caralyn

      Because you have to take into account the colour of the writing of the word “Tomato”.. blue and white make light blue add the red the word is written in and you get light purple!

    2. Joss

      And the rest of us live in the real world where we can read…

  21. Sprite

    How the hell do i fix the fact that gems on flower box stick on top of each other? I cant get them off. And when i do what do i do about there being too many gems to match the kids drawing?

  22. Elsa

    Hi. The Minesweeper puzzle seems incorrect. The second nr 3 in the top row should actually be a 2?

  23. Beth

    I can’t grab the film under the tree I’ve tried everything

  24. Celeste

    I’m trying to play on a Samsung phone and I want to turn off the sound. It’s there a way to do that?

    1. Michelle Peterson

      Go into the settings. The gear at the bottom and hit no sound or just turn your volume down.

  25. Lori

    I put in the code to open the bedroom door in chapter 2 (day19) and now the code won’t come off so I can go into the bedroom. Help!

  26. Sharon

    I got jifted. I put the snowglobes in order, but there are no numbers or letters on the front of any of them so my game won’t go any further. Ugh.


    Merci pour votre aide.

  28. Ladyluck

    I know you opned the suitcase in the attic in the way you have show…however. By using the numbers on the last page in the journal in the far left row going from the top and down you can open the suitcase also. I canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t remember the numbers but I believe it starts with 4 and then 11 and so on. If you push the buttons according to a high number or low number it will open too.

  29. Nissa

    I was so upset that at the end nobody told him that the complete locket said “I’ll never forget you” ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö¼├¡

  30. Tlynpitts

    Hi when I am in the records department and I try to hand off the cryptic statements notes, the guy cop just says hand me the blueprints. I canΓÇÖt figure out how to open the game. Help!!

  31. Tasha Wade

    Is any one having problems with the quilt pieces not rotating?

  32. DNogitsune

    I solved the suitcase one by accident. I was screwing around and it opened.

  33. DNogitsune

    I donΓÇÖt really understand the phone puzzle. Can someone explain it? HowΓÇÖd they get the answer.

  34. Angie

    The suitcase isn’t working for me, doesn’t open.. :/ What am I doing wrong?

  35. Anonymous

    For the Diary in AE Mysteries the answer is Down Up Up Down Up Down

  36. Joli

    Chapter 5, they changed the course for the journal. Page 7 has numbers in a certain order and you go to that page and read what mood he says he’s in on that day, down/depressed/upset or happy/excited/jolly, and that correlates to which direction the switches go.

  37. sam

    my mint disappeared and i cant continue the game even if i reload it, idk what to do

    1. Red

      Restart the chapter, if you haven’t already. Sorry, bro. 🙁

  38. Prima

    There is obviously a GLITCH BUG in this game! Maybe many more judging by the amount comments. I also had trouble making the Mojito, because you can’t add the ice!!!
    And for ‘Lou’, “hover above the glass” is NOT helpful, no matter how many times you post it!!? I tried MANY TIMES hovering over the highball glass with the ice bucket….that DOES NOT WORK!!
    Here’s what does work….
    1) First make sure you have added the contents of your measuring cup to the glass. (I think it’s salt)
    2) Then bring the ice bucket to the bottom of the glass. YES BOTTOM!
    Then the ice bucket will successfully add the ice cubes to the glass. Weird I know, but it works!

  39. Prima

    There is obviously a GLITCH BUG in this game! Maybe many more judging by the amount comments. I also had trouble making the Mojito, because you canΓÇÖt add the ice!!!
    And for ‘Lou’, “hover above the glass” is NOT helpful, no matter how many times you post it!!? I tried MANY TIMES hovering over the highball glass with the ice bucket….that DOES NOT WORK!!
    Here’s what does work….
    1) First make sure you have added the contents of your measuring cup to the glass. (I think itΓÇÖs salt)
    2) Then bring the ice bucket to the bottom of the glass. YES BOTTOM!
    Then the ice bucket will successfully add the ice cubes to the glass. Weird I know, but it works!

  40. Aleksandar

    I literally copied the minesweeper solution but nothing happened am I doing something wrong?

  41. Red

    The card game was pretty easy. I started out by getting rid of my low cards. I selected the card I wanted, waited until Everett’s hand was over the cards on my right, then tapped my card a second time to play the hand. Usually I got one of his high-scoring cards; sometimes a mid-scoring card.
    By the way, Aces are the lowest, not the highest.
    By time I’d gotten rid of my low cards, he’d lost a good number of his mid and high cards, leaving me free to sweep the board for the rest of the game. I won 17-9.

    As for the mojito… just keep at it until the damned program accepts the ingredients. Maybe mix one up for yourself while you’re at it (if you’re of age!). Some puzzles are REALLY picky about having the pieces EXACTLY where they want them. The quilt puzzle was like that, too.

  42. P

    Very strange. For Chapter 5 and the puzzle with the jack in the box journal, my last page only says “4 6 3 2 1 5” instead and the typeface is completely different from what is in your screenshots. Maybe they’ve updated it since this guide. ):

  43. Sierra

    I’m on Chapter 5 and my notes are completely different. The last page says
    Are you going to update this or is my an old version or something? I’m just very stuck on the last one

    1. Rex

      Good mood means up, bad mood is down

  44. Smitty

    The version on this site is the one from the old app, when it was a standalone game (and not added to the AE Mysteries one). The clue you have is an updated version from after it was added to AE Mysteries; if you go to the pages in the journal indicated by those numbers, youΓÇÖll find his mood is described as happy/positive (up) or sad/angry (down). Those will give you the order for how to flip the switches on the suitcase.

  45. Ale

    En el acertijo de el maletín en la última página del diario a parecen los números:
    Las páginas del diario están en numeradas del 1 al 6. El orden que se debe ingresar en el maletín es el orden de los números de la última página, por lo que debería quedar así:
    Ese orden debería de desbloquear el maletín

  46. Lotte Korver

    The revised version has a different puzzle in chapter 5 (December 22) with the suitcase and the solution doesn’t trigger. Not sure when this was implemented because it was fine before.

    1. Lotte Korver


      1. Robin

        Lucky you happened along. I didn’t understand Appunwrapper’s explanation at all.

  47. lynne

    the snow globes donΓÇÖt have anything on them for me.

    1. Joss

      They’re not supposed to. You have to look at the edges of the snowflakes closely—they have script number on them. Ignore the comments from people who won’t bother to actually read.

  48. Truus

    I can’t make the cocktail. Tried everything.. So annoying

    1. f3nt0

      I had a lot of trouble with that too. You have to drag the thing to the middle of the glass. Bring the pitcher (that has sugar in it) to the middle of the glass, then the ice bucket to the middle of the glass etc. I watched the video to finally get the answer.

  49. Isik5

    14) The last page of the diary has changed. Now you have to check pages 4-6-3-2-1-5 and should find the moods of Freddy on every page. It goes like this UDDUDU

  50. LMc

    I got the minesweeper answered correctly but nothing happens…

  51. Turtle

    I can not get the safe to open, I’ve done the correct directions, I’ve done the opposite, I’ve done all the same direction, it will not open.

  52. Glory

    I solved this but I skipped a lot of steps without knowing. Once I found the first 3 cats, I just scrolled from 0-9 for the correct number of the fourth cat. And then the game ended. A lot of the adventure was in finding the 4th cat. Which I missed out on.

  53. f3nt0

    If you’re playing this in 2023, the clue in the journal on page 7 is “4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5”. Look at each of page and determine Freddie’s mood – whether it’s up or down. Then use this to flick the 6 switches.

  54. Malcolm White

    Can’t get the minesweeper game to unlock. I’ve copied the solution exactly and it still doesn’t work

  55. El

    Once I decipher the note, how do I get back to the game? I’ve deciphered it all and it doesn’t move on.

  56. Lori

    Suitcase, as in my version. Based on his mood on the pages listed on the last page.

    1. nena

      so weird! that solution is not working for me. hmmmmm…

  57. Jackie

    Um the journal part seems valid for you. But all you had to do was go by the moods of the journal writer. Read the text and decide if he was happy or sad. Or look for up or down and the text. Made the explanation to complicated up there lol

  58. Rebecca

    I cannot get this minesweeper game to work on chapter 7, it’s exactly the same as the picture in walkthrough. Once I’ve put in the order shown, nothing happens, what am I doing wrong?

  59. Eclipsed Moon

    I can’t get past the gem box each time I get one gem in it’s place I can’t move the others. Please help.

  60. Idiot

    I can’t open the case even after I set tye switches in the correct way 😥

  61. Reshma

    Hi.. In chapter 2 I entered the room without Solving the quilt puzzle.. Now I am not able to get out of the room.. What to do?

  62. C

    Anyone else get a glitch while working in Keiko’s lab? I got all the fingerprints, but the third one never showed up in my inventory with the other two, and I can’t go back and get it, the tape just disappeared after I used it.

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