Adventure Escape Mysteries – The Covenant
By: Haiku Games
Haiku Games is back with another Adventure Escape game! This is about a group of students on a camping field trip before they graduate from Grant High school. They’re hoping to see a blood moon eclipse! Surely nothing will go wrong. This game is for mature audiences. This walkthrough guide will help you with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for any puzzles you get stuck on in The Covenant. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
See all my other Adventure Escape guides here.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Chapter 1:
You can watch my video for Chapter 1 or continue below for my step-by-step guide.
1. Mr. Sparks asks you to get the quizzes from his car. There’s a lot to do on this scene, though. First, open the tool box and take the pliers. Then open the car trunk and take the quizzes. Give them to Mr. Sparks.
2. Open the bag in the trunk to see a scholarship note for Sam from Grant State. Notice it’s from April 2020 and it says the Grant family has been in the state for 300 years. We’ll use that later. ThereΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s another zipper in the bag, but it gets stuck halfway. Use the pliers to open it the rest of the way and get the phone.
3. Talk to Turner and learn that the combination for the lock on his suitcase has to do with his and KellyΓÇÖs album. So talk to Kelly and sheΓÇÖll give you the album. Take it. Also, talk to Seychelle and sheΓÇÖll open her guitar case for you. Look at the music sheet and take the tuner.
4. Put the CD in the CD player in the trunk and add the tuner. Now when you play the music, it looks like sheet music.
5. Compare the four notes from the CD to the sheet music in the guitar case and you get the letters DEAD!
6. Enter DEAD in the combination lock to open it. Take the bug spray from the suitcase and use it to get rid of the bugs in the tree.
7. Take the Five Finger Maple leaf from the tree. You’ll see a human hand up there?! Now for the quiz. It asks you what year the Grants came to this country. The scholarship letter tells you! Just subtract 300 from 2020 and you get 1720. That’s the answer. It also asks you to include the forest’s signature leaf, the five finge maple leaf, with the quiz, as well as your phone. So add them to complete the quiz.
8. Now we need to solve the Trail Navigation Puzzle. You play as Sam and need to gather all the people. Once you’ve found a person, you cannot go backwards. If you can’t move anymore, you need to start over. You can follow my video if you need help.
9. Now we need to set up camp. First, pick up the shovel. Also, look through the book on the floor. Notice it says Nicky and Mark scored a touchdown on February 17th. Then look behind the water for a lens and attach it to the telescope.
10. Let’s solve the constellations puzzles. Then take the cleaver from Joanne.
11. Now, let’s unlock the yellow tent, which is Nicky’s. It says in the book that Mark and Nicky scored a touchdown on February 17. That’s 02/17 or 0217. Enter that into the combination lock and then go inside the tent.
12. Move the pillow to find a photo of Seychelle. Also, grab the cigarettes and the slingshot. There’s also a piece of firewood that’s easy to miss! Make sure to take it.
13. Leave the tent. Follow the sign into the forest to where Mark and Nicky are hanging out. Talk to Mark and he’ll give you a piece of firewood. Then pick up the other one from the ground, use the shovel to get another, and the cleaver to get another. And last, use the slingshot to reach the one in the tree. You should have 6 pieces of firewood now.
14. Talk to Nicky twice to try to get his lighter. He tells you to first prove he smokes. So give him the cigarettes to get the lighter.
15. Go back to the campsite. Place all 6 pieces of firewood in the fire pit and then use the lighter to light a campfire. Then watch what happens!
And that’s the end of Chapter 1! Click here to continue to Chapter 2 or choose a chapter below.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
There’s only 5 pieces of firewood listed…i can’t find the 6th!
Check the previous step.
can’t do the eye constalation
I done everything it says and still haven’t found the 6th piece
It’s in the tent
Same and haven’t found it yet
Está dentro da barraca o outro pedaço é um bug ou é assim mesmo, é uma parte da madeira que sustenta a barraca
So weΓÇÖre in a horror movie, who do you guys think will die first? My moneyΓÇÖs on the goth girl
For part 13, that makes 5 pieces of firewood. I canΓÇÖt seem to find the 6th piece.
Check step 12.
use the slingshot to get the piece from the tree or maybe check nicky tent
I can’t find the last one firewood I did that what you say but I onily have 5 wood please help me
Só tem 5 pedaços de madeira
In the tent
I went into the tent 4 times. There is only one piece of wood and I took it. I am still one short.
Check step 13 .
It is hidden in the tent structure
Talk to Mark for the 1 firewood
Mark Grant’s picture in that book is Zac Efron. Prove me wrong I dare ya, prove me wrong!!╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓûÆΓö£Γòæ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓûÆΓö£Γòæ
In the book he does I was like wait who’s that guy cos Mark doesn’t look like him he reminds me more of that guy from pitch perfect than zefron but book him does!
Where does the cleaver come from?
Can I get free keys
ikr I was like Troy Bolton that you? lollll
Hello! When looking for the 1st piece of wood, it isnt explained and i dont see it anywhere in the game. The mention of it was missed and I would appreciate if it was fixed.
Theres only the 5 shown where Nicky and Mark are hanging out, and the screenshot already showed 2 pieces of wood in the inventory (one being the piece Mark gives you).
Thanks in advance!
Have a great day. 🙂
Hahah I found it, i misread the words, im sorry! Thank you anyway xD