ΓÇÿBaba is YouΓÇÖ Review: BRAIN IS MELT

Baba is You By: Hempuli / Arvi Trikari Before talking about Baba is You, let me give you a brief recap on my relationship with PC gaming for context. If you follow me on Twitter, you most likely already know that I hate being chained to a PC. Once I got an iPhone, it replaced my PC not just for games, but for pretty much everything. So when I say I really…

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Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉTick Tock: A Tale for TwoΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ Review – Prime Time

Tick Tock: A Tale for Two By: Other Tales Interactive None of my local friends are really into playing video games, so my gaming experiences are usually private -- if you don't count the fact that I record and upload them to YouTube. While I enjoyed Runescape and some lesser-known massive multiplayer games as a kid, these days I prefer to just chill on my couch with my iPad in my lap,…

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ΓÇÿAvo!ΓÇÖ Review: ΓÇÿCado This World

Avo! By: Playdeo Full motion video (FMV) games and interactive television really do seem to be getting popular, what with Netflix's Bandersnatch bringing it mainstream. Just last week, I reviewed The Shapeshifting Detective, the latest murder mystery to get ported over to iOS. Now we have one geared at kids, and it's about a sentient avocado that you can control. I'm a fully grown adult without any children and I had a…

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‘The Shapeshifting Detective’ Review: The Truth is Out There

The Shapeshifting Detective By: Wales Interactive Ltd. I didn't realize how enjoyable full motion video (FMV) games could be until I played Contradiction on my iPad, and later Her Story. Though very different games, they both use live footage to make you feel like you're part of the story or playing an interactive movie. FMV seems especially popular with murder mysteries, and that's also true of the latest one to make it…

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ΓÇÿSTAY: Are you there?ΓÇÖ: I Was, But Not Anymore (Review)

STAY: Are you there? By: Appnormals / Plug In Digital I didn't really know what to expect from Appnormals' choice-based text adventure, STAY: Are you there?, but it hooked me right away. There's no time wasted getting to the action. A man named Quinn is kidnapped and locked in a room with a computer that, for some reason, allows him to communicate with you and you alone. It's a cross between a…

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ΓÇÿPipe Push ParadiseΓÇÖ iOS Review: Perfectly Perplexing Portable Plumbing Puzzles

Pipe Push Paradise By: Digerati Distribution / Corey Martin Ever since Snakebird stole my heart with its hardcore but user-friendly puzzles, I've been hoping that more PC puzzlers would make their way over to iOS. I'm still waiting on Stephen's Sausage Roll, as I'm told it's the gold standard. But another one that's been brought to my attention a few times is Pipe Push Paradise and, out of the blue, a mobile…

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Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉLinn: Path of OrchardsΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ Review – You Spin Me Right Round

Linn: Path of Orchards By: Crescent Moon Games Linn: Path of Orchards is a game I wish I was better at playing. I love the art style that's reminiscent of classics like Monument Valley and Alto's Adventure, from the color palette to the weather effects. It has a calm and relaxing soundtrack that makes me want to keep playing even when I'm frustrated. I'm also a big fan of games that have…

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ΓÇÿKnights of the Card TableΓÇÖ Review: Slice ΓÇÿnΓÇÖ Dice

Knights of the Card Table By: Iron Horse Games LLC / Ponywolf Who can resist a cartoony hand-drawn dungeon crawler with puntastic humor and a simple control scheme that's a perfect fit for mobile? I know I can't, which is why I was so excited to play Ponywolf's Knights of the Card Table. Meteorfall was one of my most-played games of 2018, so I was hoping it might scratch a similar itch…

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