Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£ΓöÉThe Room: Old SinsΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ – Japanese Gallery Walkthrough Guide

The Room: Old Sins
By: Fireproof Games


This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS puzzle adventure game, The Room: Old Sins, by Fireproof Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

Note: I’ll be adding more screenshots later. If you’re having trouble understanding what to do from my descriptions, please watch the videos until I have a chance to get more screenshots added.

See my review here.

Foyer | Study | Curiosity Room | Kitchen | Maritime Room | Garden | Japanese Gallery | Art Studio | Attic


Room 7, The Japanese Gallery:

You can watch my video for this section or continue on for my step-by-step guide.

1. Open the artifact to get a mechanical cicada. Open its wings.

2. Go back to the Japanese Gallery. Place the cicada down on the table by the dragons.

3. Two sort of windows will rise up. Use the eyepiece to look through the left one and pull the dragon’s head to the white bar. Then, zoom out and zoom in on the dragon’s head without the eyepiece. Close his jaw around the white bar. Then, equip the eyepiece again and look through the window and lift his head up so it breaks the chains holding the structure down.

4. Remove the eyepiece and rotate the wheel at the bottom of the structure so it faces the right dragon. Equip the eyepiece again and pull the right dragon forward to the white bar. Remove the eyepiece and clamp is jaw around the bar, then equip the eyepiece again and pull his head back to open a drawer. Take the miniature pagoda roof.

5. Place the unfinished wooden sculpture back on the pagoda and move the little round disc to the center. Place the roof on it and then open the pincers again so you can take the unfinished pagoda sculpture.

6. Go back to the dragons and place the sculpture on the indentation that matches the bottom of it.

7. Use the eyepiece to look through the window again and move both dragon heads to the white bars. Clamp their jaws around the bars and then use two fingers to lift both their heads up at the same time. Don’t lift them all the way, though. Line up the blue doorway with the blue doorway behind it.

8. Remove the eyepiece and turn the wheel on the structure to draw the bridge across to the other door.

9. Use the eyepiece to go inside and cross the bridge. This next puzzle is really easy. Just turn the two wheels to release the miniature pagoda roof and spire and take it.

10. Take the unfinished pagoda sculpture and place it back on the big pagoda. Move the slider to the right and place the roof and spire on top of it. The pagoda will expand, revealing a new puzzle.

11. Here, you need to rotate all the white pieces so each two are touching each other. If you get it right, their lights should turn on and the fan will start spinning. Then do the same for the red pieces.

12. Take the artifact and complete the Japanese Gallery!

Click here to continue to the next page of the walkthrough, the Art Studio.

Foyer | Study | Curiosity Room | Kitchen | Maritime Room | Garden | Japanese Gallery | Art Studio | Attic

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Levi

    I think I found a glitch. I placed the pagoda roof on the pagoda and it disappeared from my inventory. I then placed the unfinished wooden sculpture on the pagoda and suddenly the roof appeared on the sculpture. When I went back to the drawer I was able to add the roof to my inventory again.

    Now I am able to pick up the unfinished wooden sculpture regardless of whether the pincers are in place. And the roof disappears every time I pick it up and reappears every time I place it back on the pagoda. I cannot get rid of the extra roof in my inventory And the sculpture will not fit on the dragon table.

    1. Rob

      Hi Levi,

      Rob from Fireproof here! Sorry to hear you’re having problems.

      We’re aware of that problem and we’re working on a fix. In the meantime, thereΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s a hidden system in the game to take you back to a point in the game before the bug occurred. To do that, pause the game and tap the Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║Game PausedΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ text five times. ThatΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ll bring up a menu listing some points you can revert to. Choose the one for the room you last opened. YouΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ll have to repeat a little of your progress, but hopefully you wonΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t have the same problem again.

  2. Nicholas Moore

    So I’ve got a bug. When I put both dragons together, the one on the left goes too far in and clamps down too far in, and I can’t pull it up with the one on the right

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Try pulling him back just a bit. That seems to be a bug.

  3. Alice

    I CANNOT get these dragons to move at the same time. Is there a trick to it?

  4. diana

    Hi Please help. Im playing on iPhone and trying to move the beads to fit the fan. I either can’t move them at all or they shoot all the way down. Cant get the midway at all so Im stuck and can’t continue

    1. Shirley

      I had the same problem. Finally I turned the camera around to the back side of the fan. From there I could move the beads without any trouble.

  5. GypsyQueen13

    Cant reclaim my unfinished wooden piece for the pagoda!! HELP it’s stuck in the shelves where we used it before.

  6. Fulcher Geoff

    Hi how do I get to the artefact before your point no.1 please I can get ΓÇ£Open the artifact to get a mechanical cicada. Open its wings.ΓÇ¥ Thx

  7. Fulcher Geoff

    Apologies I meant I cannot get open…..

  8. Anna

    I think I’ve found another glitch on android… when opening drawer in Japanese garden room… the dragon on the right won’t close it’s mouth!!

    1. Olenka

      Same. Used the trick from the comments sbove and restarted the chapter.

  9. Anna

    I’m having lots of trouble with moving the dragons’ heads. Can’t seem to make the left one stretch far enough to reach the white bars. The right dragon can’t reach white bars either.

  10. Vicky Brago-Mitchell

    Thank you for these guides! I love the games but would not have the patience to figure them out by myself.

  11. Joy

    I love, love, love your walkthroughs! Thank you so much for all your hard work! You’re awesome!

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