RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Walkthrough: Episode 6, Room 1

RoomBreak: Escape Now!!
By Gameday

Episode 6, Room 1

RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Episode 6, Room 1


1. After watching the long intro movie, you wake up in a wooden crate!

RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Episode 6, Room 1

2. Pick up the intertwined wire.

RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Episode 6, Room 1

3. Divide the wire to get two pieces.

RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Episode 6, Room 1

4. Use the long wire between the planks to lift the latch.

RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Episode 6, Room 1

5. Now you can push open the front of the crate.

RoomBreak Episode 6, Room 1

6. Walk into the main room.


7. Take the backpack.

(GOLDEN KEY: Look on the shelf in the back towards the right.)

8. Divide the backpack to get a flashlight, rope and jackknife.

9. Take the iron ball (looks like an anvil).

10. Take the iron pipe from the back of the room.

11. If you touch the trap door in the middle of the room, it tells you you need something to lift it up.

12. Use the knife to open the control panel on the right side of the room.

13. Place the pipe on the round indentation on the ground.

14. Flip the switch on the control panel and the big cylinder drops onto the pipe, flattening it.

15. Place the anvil to the left of the trap door.

16. Use the tempered pipe with the anvil to pry open the trap door.

17. Walk through the open trap door and on to room 2!

Click here for my review.

Episode 1:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 2
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 3:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 4:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 5:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 6:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. alg

    you have to use the iron ball (which looks more like an anvil) and place it on the ground next to the trap door, than use the pipe. in both rooms 1 and 2 there seem to be a couple of unused items after escaping…any thoughts on this??

    also, not sure if you’ve gotten to ep 6, rm 3 yet, but i’m seriously stuck and wondering if you have any hints what to do with the fuses??

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ah thank you. I tried putting the anvil down on another side of the trap door and I’d didn’t work, so I thought it might have been a bug. Got it working now.

      Not sure about there rest, but I’ll let you know when I get there 🙂

    2. AppUnwrapper

      The fuses go into the slots on the wall. Refer to the memos you found 😉

  2. keadee

    is episode 6 free

    1. Melissa

      No 🙁

  3. sian

    for me this is my ep 2 is this a bug????

  4. nimrod

    men!! why is ep 6 not free.. zzz i got carried away with this game… i never thought that there would be walkthrough ahahah.. i played it till episode 4 till i go stacked and looked for a walk through… really want to play 6 so i wont look at the guide ^^

  5. MissBond

    Help please! I purchased episode 6 and it won’t let me play it. Under recent updates of the game in the App Store it says that the “restore issue bug” was fixed. I downloaded the update and I will click on episode 6, it will ask me to buy it and I click “restore” it says “restore failed” so then I try to buy the episode again and it says “episode already purchased not yet downloaded” …. I restarted my phone and the game and no luck. I have searched on google but there seems to be no similar problems and I can’t contact the developers because the English support site isn’t set up… Just Japanese. You seem to know this game well. Can you help me with this issue? Thanks so much!

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